Beaver County Commissioner – Dan C. Camp
As the executive and legislative branches of Beaver County government, the commissioners are responsible for most of the work of the county. They are responsible for policy-making, fiscal management, and the administration of county affairs. The Commissioners serve on the Salary, Prison, Retirement, and Election Boards as well as a variety of other boards affiliated with county departments.
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Dan Camp has served as a Beaver County Commissioner since first elected in 2015. Born and raised in Beaver County and with a family who has been here for generations, Dan knows firsthand the economic rollercoaster our region has been through over the past decades. He ran for commissioner due to the desire to help lead in the efforts of revitalizing our county.
Since Dan has been in office, Beaver County and our river towns have begun to transform. Refusing to raise taxes, Dan has worked with other row officers and departments to responsibly make sure that our municipal infrastructure is modernized, create an environment where new businesses can thrive, direct resources toward community development, increase recreation opportunities, and run a budget surplus that’s not funded by debt and accounting gimmicks of the past.
Dan resides in Center Township with his wife and two children. He pledges that as long as he is a commissioner, he will not raise taxes. His continued goal is growth for our county and embracing the great potential our amazing river valleys offer, while making sure we have safe communities for our families to thrive.
Beaver County Commissioner – Jack Manning
As the executive and legislative branches of Beaver County government, the commissioners are responsible for most of the work of the county. They are responsible for policy-making, fiscal management, and the administration of county affairs. The Commissioners serve on the Salary, Prison, Retirement, and Election Boards as well as a variety of other boards affiliated with county departments.
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Jack Manning began working in Southwestern Pennsylvania in 1998 and relocated to the Chippewa Township / Beaver Falls area with his wife, Diane, in 2000. His son Jeff, daughter-in-law Kelly Harsh Manning, and granddaughter Charlotte live in Patterson Heights; his other son Justin resides in Hawaii. Jack is the owner and principal of Pinebrook Cottage Consulting, which he started after more than 35-years in the chemical and plastics industry.
Jack was formerly employed by NOVA Chemicals Corporation as their regional manufacturing director and plant manager, responsible for overseeing operation of the Beaver Valley Site (Monaca, Pa.), as well as facilities in Belpre and Painesville, Ohio. He was also the former plant manager of NOVA’s Chesapeake, Va., chemical facility. Prior to his manufacturing assignments with NOVA Chemicals, he served as North American director of People Services in their Moon Township headquarters, overseeing HR activities for multiple locations across the US and Canada.
Previous to his career in human resources, Jack served as director of Global Quality Performance for Huntsman and was a former quality specialist and corporate quality trainer for Shell Chemical Company, where his career began in the 1970s. He holds an Associate of Arts Degree from Rowan University at Gloucester County in Sewell, N.J., and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership from Mountain State University of Beckley, W.Va.
Actively involved and committed to community service, Jack has championed local Southwestern PA business and community development efforts from small-town merchants to industrial brownfield redevelopment to educational and workforce training. He and his wife have donated their time and resources to many non-profit and charitable organizations over the years, including his serving on the boards of the United Way and the Friends of Old Economy Village. He was appointed to two terms on the board of trustees to the Community College of Beaver County (2003-2010), serving as the vice-chair of the trustees from 2008-2010, and served as chairman of the CCBC Foundation Board from 2010-2011. He was on the board of directors for Gateway Rehabilitation Center from 2004-2013 and served as their board secretary from 2011-2013. Prior to being named executive director, he served on the board of the Beaver County Chamber of Commerce from 2012-2016, where he founded and served as chair of the Economic Development Taskforce.
Jack is a past Board member of the Beaver County Humane Society and a board director for the Ohio River Trail Council. He supports his interest in teaching and training organizations by serving on the Junior Achievement of Beaver County Advisory Board, as well as having served on several higher education advisory committees, including CCBC, Penn State – Beaver, and Franklin University.
Commissioner Jack Manning was elected to his first four-year term in November of 2019 and was sworn into office on December 27, 2019. He pledges to not raise taxes and is proud to be serving all residents of Beaver County. He is asking for their trust to support him for four more years.
Beaver County District Attorney – David Lozier
The District Attorney, as the chief law enforcement officer of the county, is mandated by law to sign all bills of indictment and conduct in court all criminal and other prosecutions in the name of the Commonwealth. He is also a minister of justice and must exercise his duties with complete impartiality. The District Attorney has jurisdiction over all felony, misdemeanor, and summary offenses. In addition, he is responsible for providing legal guidance in criminal matters for various police agencies and county departments. The District Attorney’s office works frequently with other county agencies such as Juvenile Probation, Children and Youth Services, Area Agency on Aging, Human Services, Prison, Adult Probation, County Home, and a long list of state agencies in providing the best possible criminal justice service to the citizens of Beaver County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
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David Lozier first ran in 2015 as an outsider. He made the substantial changes needed to improve access to unbiased justice for our citizens. David used his management experience from the Army, his mental health background from college, and his experience as a trial attorney in over 20 counties to reform the Office of the District Attorney. He started by changing the way our prosecutors prepared for their Preliminary Hearings and ensured that they had all of the records and resources they needed beforehand to better evaluate cases with the goal of making realistic pleas earlier in the criminal process. Working with the help of experts, he introduced mental health and drug treatment solutions into our pleas to better address the underlying causes of criminal behavior and reduce recidivism. Together with his team, he removed politics from prosecution and implemented tools to ensure consistent results across similar cases.
David restructured the Anti-Drug Task Force to collaborate with state and federal agencies and rebuilt the Emergency Services Unit (Beaver County SWAT) to meet national standards. Teaming up with law enforcement and school nurses, his office put Narcan in every police car and school—saving hundreds of lives in the process. His office worked with the Drug Abuse Coalition and partners across Beaver County to improve the availability of drug and mental health treatment in the community and in the jail. With better treatment as part of sentences, his team could offer long-term pathways to individuals so they could rebuild their lives—and prevent future crimes. With municipal and law enforcement partners, his office put Prescription Drug Take Back Boxes in over 20 police stations removing over 15,000 pounds of pills from the black market.
COVID-19 shut down the world just three months into Lozier’s second term—-but it did NOT shut down Beaver County or Beaver County courts. While 66 other county courts and DA’s closed their doors, Lozier worked with the President Judge and the County Commissioners to maintain a daily court schedule while keeping officers, victims, witnesses, defendants and staff safe. While other counties were dismissing thousands of criminal cases because their courts were closed or backlogged, Beaver County stayed the course, never closed, and never dismissed a case because of a COVID-19 backlog.
Under Lozier, the D.A. office offered top-notch training for police and attorneys. His team worked to provide police departments with body-worn cameras to improve both officer safety and officer accountability. Lozier sponsored the new License Plate Reading Cameras throughout the county. These tools dramatically accelerated investigations of major crimes and improved the solve rate for every category of crime across the County. He provided the detective bureau with the most advanced forensic technology available so that they could better serve the many police departments they support. In 2022, his office created the Special Victims Unit bringing together highly qualified prosecutors and detectives to improve the investigation and prosecution of domestic violence and sex assault cases. They restructured the prosecution of Juvenile cases to address the increasing number of violent juvenile offenders. He has regularly worked with the Beaver County Humane Society and its Animal Control Officers to secure animal safety and support the rescue of animals from the most horrid conditions.
David worked hard in 2021 and 2022 to secure over $3,000,000 in police technology grants that will come to fruition in 2023 and 2024. These federal earmarks and state grants will bring DNA technology to Beaver County, allow drug samples to be tested in Beaver County the day they are seized, put computers in police cars, and interconnect our police departments through the same shared Police Record Management System. Throughout 2022, Lozier worked hard to lay the groundwork for regionalizing our many smaller police departments into larger, full-time, fully supported departments.
Working with prosecutors, the courts, the Police Chiefs, and behavioral health professionals, Lozier and his team will continue to provide the best “justice” they can, keep Beaver County citizens safe, and ensure that our police officers can go home to their families at the ends of their shifts.
Beaver County Sheriff – Tony Guy
The sheriff is an officer of the court whose responsibilities include service of various court documents such as complaints and subpoenas, providing security in courtrooms, and securing prisoners to and from correctional facilities. The sheriff’s office also handles licenses to carry firearms.
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During his tenure…
- Incorporated leadership skills from his State Police career and built a department that is serving and protecting the citizens of the county, with honesty, integrity, and transparency.
- Manages over 50 full-time and part-time personnel working in the county courtrooms, security checkpoints, prisoner transport and facilitates cooperation among all county law enforcement agencies
- Brought honor and respect to his office through a lifetime of service, dedication to his family and spiritual affirmation as a life-long member of Our Lady of Fatima
Beaver County Treasurer – Sandie Egley
The treasurer’s office is responsible for receiving and depositing all money payable to Beaver County. The treasurer’s office also sells hunting, fishing, bingo, small games of chance and dog licenses.
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Sandie Egley, a fiscally conservative Republican of Beaver Borough, was elected Beaver County Treasurer in 2019 and has served the last 4 years. While talking about how much has been accomplished in the last four years, she feels it’s a team effort. Her team is headed up by two Deputies, Cebran Netherland and Pamela Hupp that take great pride in making the office function efficiently, timely and being helpful to all taxpayers.
Below is a condensed list of accomplishments:
- Since coming into office, Sandie has focused on using tax dollars to collect the best bank interest rates possible. In the last four years, Sandie has earned almost 6 million in interest on your tax dollars.
- Since coming into office, the tax collection rate has been above 95%. That is the highest it’s been in the last 20 years.
- Prior to coming into office, the county lacked an online dog license option for new or renewal licenses. In 2020 Sandie expanded services to include an online option, speeding the process and making it easier to obtain a dog license.
- Prior to coming into office, all the property owned by the county was mailed a tax bill. They mailed this bill to themselves, a practice that does not promote transparency to the county. The Treasurer’s Office no longer mails tax bills to themselves.
- Sandie has expanded the ways to pay county taxes by installing credit card terminals at the window in the office and also accepts e-checks as a payment option that only costs $0.20 to pay your tax bill. That is cheaper than a stamp to mail your payment in.
- Sandie has reached out to escrow companies to pay thousands of tax bills at one time via ACH. Instead of the escrow company mailing in single payments for each parcel they now send one file that pays 100’s of parcels at one time.
- Sandie has created a Document Retention Policy and no longer sends paper documents to the Wampum Mines for storage at a cost to taxpayers. She now scans everything that needs to be saved according to the Retention Law.
- Sandie constantly reviews the open payment report. If someone has been sent a check from the county and they have not cashed it, they will try to contact them before they are mandated to submit it as a stale check to the PA Department of Treasury. In some cases, Sandie has personally called School Districts and Borough Managers and re-issued over $100,000 checks they did not cash.
Beaver County Coroner – David Gabauer
The coroner’s office investigates and completes death certificates for certain types of deaths, which include those occurring under suspicious circumstances.
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David J. Gabauer was first elected Beaver County Coroner in 2015, and sworn into office in 2016. Since becoming the Coroner, David has overseen more than 1,500 death investigations for Beaver County. He has received extensive training both inside of a classroom and out in the field. He has formed strong relationships with many police and fire departments, as well EMTs and other medical professionals. Not only does he have to work with emergency professional personnel, but he also needs to be available to professionally and compassionately come alongside families who have lost loved ones due to tragic or unexplained circumstances.
David has been a licensed funeral director and embalmer in the state of Pennsylvania for over 30 years. He is a graduate of Quigley High School and the Pennsylvania Institute of Mortuary Science. He is involved in numerous community boards and activities. A lifelong resident of Beaver County, he and his wife Lisa reside in Chippewa Twp. and have 2 children. He is truly honored to serve the residents of Beaver County and he hopes to continue doing so for the next 4 years.
Beaver County Controller – Maria Longo
The controller maintains all fiscal and accounting records to ensure compliance with the most recent accounting standards and procedures.
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Maria Longo has been your Beaver County Controller since January 2020. She was born and raised in Beaver County. Maria has a Mechanical Engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from Baldwin Wallace College, as well as extensive business and financial experience. Maria has honored her initial goals of bringing new ideas to the county’s finances, working with the other elected officials to develop a long-term plan to bring fiscal stability to our county, and being the fiscal watchdog for our residents.
In her first three years, she has worked to save the county over $1 million with cost-saving recommendations and by stopping fraudulent payments. She has worked with the other row offices to improve money management processes. Her office audited the Treasurer’s office for the first time in over 20 years and has increased auditing overall. Maria has improved the transparency of county spending with new reports and dashboards, all accessible on the Controller webpage. Maria is proud to be your County Controller and has served with integrity. She is asking the voters to support her for another 4 years to continue providing fiscal responsibility and reform that is a model for counties across the state.
Beaver County Recorder of Deeds – Ronald H. Alberti
The recorder of deeds office is responsible for the recording and maintaining of all real estate documents in the county.
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Ron Alberti has served as Recorder of Deeds for Beaver County since 2020 and held the position of Chief Deputy Recorder for eight years prior to being elected Recorder of Deeds. Before joining the Recorder’s Office, he spent 30-plus years working in real estate-related positions. Ron is also an experienced Title Searcher and has been a Notary Public for the past 39 years. A dedicated public servant, Ron was able to save the taxpayers of Beaver County over $200,000 dollars in his first term by continuing to perform the duties of the Chief Deputy as he assumed the position of Recorder of Deeds. In addition, when his entire staff suffered from COVID-19, Ron was able to keep his office open because he can competently perform the duties of every position in the office. Following a routine review conducted by the Pennsylvania Auditor General, the auditor was so impressed with the accounting procedures of the Office that she encouraged other County Recorders to visit Beaver County.
Ron is committed to the protection, preservation, and maintenance of the county’s public land records. As an active member of the Pennsylvania Recorder of Deeds Association, Ron works closely with his colleagues from across the State in order to improve the quality of services provided to the taxpayers of Beaver County. He is currently the Treasurer of the Beaver Falls Wolves Club having held the post for over 20 years. He previously served as one of the elected auditors for Chippewa Township. Ron had also served on the Finance Council of the former Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Darlington, PA. He is a member of Saint Augustine Parish in Beaver Falls. Ron likes to golf, kayak, work crossword puzzles, and play with his dogs in his spare time. He is a lifelong Beaver County resident having resided in Beaver Falls and New Brighton. He has one daughter and son-in-law and he and his wife currently live in Chippewa Township.
Beaver County Prothonotary – Jodi Janicki Jones
All civil action is filed with the prothonotary. Such litigation includes mortgage foreclosures, personal injury cases, license appeals, divorce, child custody and protection-from-abuse cases. The prothonotary also includes U.S. passport applications.
Jodi Janicki-Jones comes from generations of community involvement throughout Beaver County. She was born and raised in Hopewell Township, where she currently resides as the Community Park Caretaker.
She attended the Community College of Beaver County and went on to complete her education at Grand Canyon University. She has a degree in Government with a legal focus and in Biblical studies. Her time in college prepared her with strong leaderships skills as she lead a homeless ministry and mentored women transitioning out of prison.
She started her career with Senator Camera Bartolotta and is currently working for State Representative Jim Marshall. She looks forward to the opportunity to serve Beaver County with new enthusiasm and skill sets.
Beaver County Register of Wills – Maria Wolfe
The register of wills, who also serves as the clerk of orphans court, has jurisdiction of the probate of wills and the grant of letters to a personal representative. Letters testamentary (with a will) or letters of administration (no will) are granted to qualified individuals. The register’s office also collects inheritance taxes on behalf of the state Department of Revenue and is a source of genealogical information. The office is responsible for taking applications for and issuing marriage licenses.
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Maria Wolfe graduated as an honor student and first in her class from Bethel Christian School of Raccoon Twp. She graduated with her Associate Degree in Business Administration at CCBC.
Maria co-owned PIP Printing of Charleston, WV. She later returned to PA to become the Office Park Manager at Hillendale Homes, Clinton, PA. Maria took a break to make her family a priority and is currently the owner of Highland Cemetery in Ohioville, PA with her husband Darryl Wolfe.
She enjoys serving as the pianist in her church MBBC in Beaver Falls, PA where she is also known as Grammy and Ms. Maria to the children. Her motto is, “I am running for You because You are Important to me!”