Welcome from newly elected Chair, Chris Treib

Greetings Fellow Beaver Countians:

I am honored that you have elected me to be the Chair of the Republican Committee of Beaver County! As your elected Treasurer, I have learned a lot as part of the leadership team with Roman Kozak, Rico Elmore, and Fabiola Gergerich and plan to build on the solid foundation we have laid, including turning our county to have more registered Republicans than Democrats. We will continue to expand our community engagement in all areas of our beautiful county, winning hearts, and minds to support a conservative platform that promotes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We will accomplish this through respectful civic discourse, viewing each person we contact as a fellow image bearer of God, worthy of dignity, respect, and the right to hold their own views. Together, we will welcome Democrat and Independent voters who are dissatisfied with high taxes, government overreach, and failed economic policies to join our ranks to support the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We will do our utmost to search for qualified candidates who share our ideals and to support their efforts to be elected into office, covering every Municipality and Borough of our County, the County Offices, State Offices, US Congress, and Executive Leadership of the United States of America.

Godly living and godly leadership produce the best enduring results. As the Vice President of Information Technology at the only private college in Beaver County and as a 2024 graduate of the Colson Fellows Cohort, I have seen the fruit firsthand of what is possible when we follow the model found in Ephesians 4:17-32. I emphasize the last verse to “be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” I enter this office with no desire to run for public service during or immediately after this 2-year term. I genuinely enjoy meeting our neighbors and connecting at community events in our area. It is challenging work, but the fun factor in working with likeminded people is infectious and I am pleased to see RCBC grow in new and unexpected ways. Some of the growth has caused conflict, which is normal as our hard-working enthusiasts pour energy into keeping up with a growing workload. We must not let this workload overshadow our commitments to God, our family, or our careers, but we should humbly ask for help from our fellow volunteers and from our leadership team.

In the next two years, we will answer the call to grow our committee while advancing our platform for the municipal elections in 2025 and state-wide elections in 2026. We must invite the next generation to join our committee. Twenty years from now, we must have a thriving committee of all ages and races in our community that are committed to our conservative values and engaging their neighbors faithfully and fearlessly. We must engage the Republicans in every precinct so that our committee is represented in connecting with voters for every primary and general election. Every Republican in the county should know we are there to support them and to help them elect quality, committed Republicans into office. Lastly, we must grow our financial strength by becoming more entrepreneurial in the completion of our mission and garner support from philanthropic donors and partner organizations. Together, we will build Beaver County into a stronghold of conservative Republicans who are equipped to advance our cause at every level of government.

What I need from you is your commitment to advance our cause and grow the committee. We believe in working with people and through people and not around people. If you do not have something nice to say about someone, gracefully take the matter to the person not in email or text, but by phone call, in person, or over a meal. If it still cannot be resolved, take it up the next level and take the person with you. We will all make mistakes and if we can seek to understand the other person’s view, we can be more understanding and forgiving of one another.

We will continue to follow the meeting schedule established in the bylaws and implemented by the previous leadership team with a slight modification. We will plan to have official RCBC business meetings in January, April, July, and October but we will meet at the Beaver County YMCA where we will have more privacy for handling sensitive matters and more room for increased membership and precinct participation. We will meet monthly at the Rochester Hotel for “meet ups,” which we will invite participation from State representatives and County representatives to share current topics and give members an opportunity to connect with our government representatives.

The events calendar on our website has been updated with key election dates for the 2025 cycle. We have extended our headquarters lease at 300 S Walnut St, Suite 300 which serves to solidify our presence in the community as a key rally point for our members to collaborate and participate in phone banking, letter campaigns, voter registration, and distribution of literature. Lincoln Day Dinner is on the horizon, and I have been working on securing a venue and keynote speaker. If you would like to help with our major fundraiser of the year, please let me know. We will need assistance with organizing gift baskets, petition signing, decorations, cake, and all the planning details for making this a wonderful event to enjoy.

I am looking forward to leading you through the 2025 and 2026 election seasons and hope that you will have as much fun as I do as we continue to expand our membership and voter base.